There are other things that can go wrong with a fob, including getting water logged. Key fobs are build compactly and water proof, but that does not mean that water damage can not occur. In Charleston the salt water from the ocean is very corrosive and can damage many things.
If changing the battery does not solve the problem then our locksmiths can inspect the devise to see if they can identify the problem. If the key fob can not be fixed then our locksmiths can order you a new one.
Buying a new key fob from a locksmith is usually much cheaper than buying one from a car dealership. So if we can not fix what you have then we will sell you a new one. KSB Locksmith Services care about the customer. Therefore we will never try to sell you something that you do not need or do not want.
Buying or repairing a key fob for your car
All new cars these days come with a key fob. Some keys fobs are in fact keyless and others are a combination of a mechanical key and an electronic component. Generally speaking when a key fob is not working it is because of a dead battery. So the first thing to do is to open up the fob and change out the battery. Most grocery stores and pharmacies carry these batteries. You need a lithium battery similar to what you would find in a watch. These batteries are not too expensive and before spending a lot of money on replacing the fob it is always best to first try to change the battery.
Please call us at 843.608.1155 so that we can help you with your key fob needs. You can also send us an email or use the contact form on our website. We are a mobile locksmith service in Charleston and will therefore travel to you to meet your locksmith needs.